Social Media Training onboard Bertha the Bus with Onswitch Ltd

July 6, 2012

We are running two hour Social Media and Internet Marketing training sessions on board Bertha the Bus with one hour of individual remote support afterwards. All for just £99 plus VAT pp.

Last month we decided to focus some time on Facebook ads for our page – we went from about 400 likes to over 1000 in under a week and now we are getting the high levels of engagement that make such a difference! 

This short course aims to talk you through some of the best ways to go about using Facebook, Twitter, Google and lots more to get existing clients engaging with you and spreading the word to their friends online.

We can only hold up to 8 people per session to make sure that all questions can be answered and all problems can be laid to rest, so book soon for your place. 

If we’re not scheduled to come near you, contact us – we can come to your practice and train all of your staff at a time that suits you.

Alternatively we offer social media and internet marketing packages with training and support as part of the price. Visit our Social Media page for more info or, as always, please just contact us for any further information – we are always happy to help!

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