Categories for Security
How secure is your website?
The importance of keeping security up to date on WordPress (and other website platforms)
WordPress is the biggest platform used for websites globally, with its constantly evolving updates, thousands of plugins and theme development, websites can be made to look stunning using this software. WordPress is open source – allowing developers to collaborate, modify and build for it, and therefore security should be taken very seriously, from less scrupulous coders i.e. hackers.
Are you ready for the GDPR?
If your immediate response is “what’s that?”, then the answer is probably no!
Defend your practice IT system against Ransomware
This weekend saw a major outbreak of “ransomware”: it hit the headlines because it hit the NHS, as well as many other large networks including Fedex, the German rail network Deutsche Bahn, and even the Russian Interior Ministry. Europol has reported that the WannaCry 2.0 outbreak has claimed 200,000 victims across 150 countries.