Categories for Social media


Facebook Reviews Explained

You may have noticed the new addition of a star rating on your Facebook page. This article will explain the basics of why it’s there, how it works, how to use it or how to get rid of it…

What to Post on Facebook

A good veterinary practice Facebook page should have a wide mix of content to keep fans interested and engaged. Below we’ve listed some ideas of content that you should consider including on your practice page. If you’ve got any more suggestions, please leave them in the comments box at the bottom of the page – all suggestions greatly appreciated as always!

Facebook Adverts – Why and How!

Having a Facebook page for your practice is now as important as having a website. Facebook gives you a constant line of communication with existing and potential clients. It allows you to easily tell people about your latest offers or services and promote your speciality skills, knowledge and practice USPs! Veterinary Practices with a Facebook page reap rewards such as increased client loyalty, increased client spend and brand new clients too. But the big question; once you’ve got a Facebook page, how do you get people to find it and engage? We think that the most cost effective and reliable way of getting more clients finding and engaging with your page is by using Facebook PPC Ads.

Boost Your Online Reputation

Boosting a positive online reputation is a hugely important part of your online marketing. What are you doing to boost yours? Below we have some ideas to help…

Has your practice heard of Weigh in Wednesdays yet?

Weigh in Wednesday is part of the new Friends for Life campaign from the PFMA aimed at pet owners to help them better manage their pet’s lifestyle and nutrition. Your practice can use this campaign to encourage your clients to visit you more often and be more aware of pet obesity – the risks and the solutions.

2 Hour Social Media Training

We speak to a lot of vets who know they need to start using Social Media and the Internet more effectively, but don’t know where to start. So we have put together a bitesized training course to start you off.

How much is a Tweet worth?

If you needed convincing of the power and worth of social media, then Kellogg’s new shop makes for a pretty good argument!

The FIRST EVER pay-by-tweet shop has opened in London this week, and it sells…crisps. To launch their new Special K snacks, Kellogg’s have gone all out and opened their first retail space in stylish Soho, London.

Social Media Training onboard Bertha the Bus with Onswitch Ltd

We are running two hour Social Media and Internet Marketing training sessions on board Bertha the Bus with one hour of individual remote support afterwards.

All for just £99 plus VAT pp.Last month we decided to focus some time on Facebook ads for our page – we went from about 400 likes to over 1000 in under a week and now we are getting the high levels of engagement that make such a difference!